FREE Evangelism and Ministry Training Course (17 Weeks)



(To study this course or to run this course, simply read or download all of the emails, study guides and teachings below)




- To study this course, or to run this course for others, simply

   systematically week by week read or download and print out

   each week's covering email, study guide and teachings, until 

   you have completed the entire 17 week course

- This course can be started at any time


- The topics can be taught in a different order to the course structure below.


- You can spend more than one week for some topics if necessary.

  (This may be the case for those studying this course part-time)

- The covering emails give an overview of the week's study guide topic.

  The emails for this course are the emails that Pastor Conrad sent

  out for the first running of this course as he progressively put together

  the weekly study guides for this course 

- The weekly study guides are the foundational teachings for each week's topic

- The attachments are teachings that are referred to in the study guides


- There are also 73 Questions (with attached suggested answers)

   that can be used both for open book exams or for personal reflection

   and study upon completing the 17 week course


- The study guides are now also in PowerPoint format as well

  The PowerPoints can be used in a classroom setting to teach 

  larger groups of people using a big screen

  Click "HERE" for the Study Guide PowerPoints for this course

- Please email Pastor Conrad if you have any questions relating

  to this course at



  Week 1 Study Guide                 Topic: Having a lifestyle of Prayer (PDF Version)

  Week 1 Study Guide                 Topic: Having a lifestyle of Prayer (Word Version)

  Click "HERE" for email sent

  RELATED TEACHINGS: Attachment 1   Attachment 2    


  Week 2 Study Guide               Topic: The importance of building our life on the Word of God (PDF Version)

  Week 2 Study Guide               Topic: The importance of building our life on the Word of God (Word Version)

  Click "HERE" for email sent

  RELATED TEACHINGS: Attachment 1   Attachment 2


  Week 3 Study Guide                    Topic: The greatest is love (PDF Version)

  Week 3 Study Guide                    Topic: The greatest is love (Word Version)

  Click "HERE" for email sent

  RELATED TEACHINGS: Attachment 1   Attachment 2


  Week 4 Study Guide

  Topic: The importance of having a clear God given vision for our life and church and being continually

             filled with the Holy Spirit (PDF Version)

             The importance of having a clear God given vision for our life and church and being continually

             filled with the Holy Spirit (WORD Version)

             Click "HERE" for email sent

             RELATED TEACHINGS: Attachment 1   Attachment 2   Attachment 3   Attachment 4  

                                                Attachment 5   Attachment 6 


  Week 5 Study Guide

  Topic: The importance of having intimacy with the Lord and God's heart for the Lost (PDF Version)

             The importance of having intimacy with the Lord and God's heart for the Lost (WORD Version)

             Click "HERE" for email sent

             RELATED TEACHINGS: Attachment 1   Attachment 2   Tract 1 FRONT / BACK    Tract 2 FRONT / BACK


  Weeks 6 and 7 Study Guide

  Topic: The urgency to evangelize and God's heart for Evangelism (PDF Version)

             The urgency to evangelize and God's heart for Evangelism (WORD Version)

             Click "HERE" for email sent

             RELATED TEACHINGS: Attachment 1   Attachment 2   Attachment 3   Attachment 4  

                                               Attachment 5   Attachment 6


  Week 8 Study Guide

  Topic: The importance of making disciples - Introduction (PDF Version)

             The importance of making disciples - Introduction (WORD Version)

             Click "HERE" for email sent      

             RELATED TEACHINGS: Attachment 1   Attachment 2


  Week 9 Study Guide 

  Topic: Becoming a leader of influence (PDF Version)

             Becoming a leader of influence (WORD Version)

             Click "HERE" for email sent      Click "HERE" for second email sent with self evaluation questions

             RELATED TEACHINGS: Attachment 1   Attachment 2




  Weeks 10 and 11 Study Guide

  Topic: Doctrines of our Christian faith & keys to growing in maturity in our walk with the Lord (PDF Version)

             Doctrines of our Christian faith & keys to growing in maturity in our walk with the Lord (WORD Version)

             Click "HERE" for email sent

             RELATED TEACHING: Attachment 1 (The six doctrines of our Christian faith)


  Week 12 Study Guide 

  Topic: Attributes of a healthy church / Experiencing God's power in our meetings (PDF Version)

             Attributes of a healthy church / Experiencing God's power in our meetings (WORD Version)

             Click "HERE" for email sent

             RELATED TEACHING: Attachment 1 (The core values of Church of Hope - Melbourne)

  Weeks 13 and 14 Study Guide

  Topic: The importance of mentoring leaders and establishing multiplying small groups with an outreach focus

             (PDF Version)

             The importance of mentoring leaders and establishing multiplying small groups with an outreach focus

             (WORD Version)

             Click "HERE" for email sent

             RELATED TEACHINGS: Attachment 1   Attachment 2   Attachment 3     


  Week 15 Study Guide 

  Topic: Keys to building healthy ministry teams/Encouraging all believers to use their spiritual gifts (PDF Version)

             Keys to building healthy ministry teams/Encouraging all believers to use their spiritual gifts (WORD Version)

             Click "HERE" for email sent

             RELATED TEACHINGS: Attachment 1   Attachment 2   Attachment 3


  Weeks 16 and 17 Study Guide

  Topic: Launching out into the deep / Living in the miraculous AND the importance of commitment (PDF Version)

             Launching out into the deep / Living in the miraculous AND the importance of commitment (WORD Version)

             Click "HERE" for email sent

             RELATED TEACHINGS: Attachment 1   Attachment 2   






73 Open Book Exam Questions (with some suggested answers) Click "HERE" to download (PDF File - 22 Pages)


Church of Hope 17 Week Evangelism and Ministry Training Course STUDY GUIDES (with Questions and Answers)

Click "HERE" to download (PDF Version - 92 pages)


Church of Hope 17 Week Evangelism and Ministry Training Course STUDY GUIDES (without Questions and Answers)

Click "HERE" to download (PDF Version - 70 Pages)


Church of Hope 17 Week Evangelism and Ministry Training Course TEACHINGS - Weeks 1 to 5

Click "HERE" to download (PDF Version - 68 Pages)


Church of Hope 17 Week Evangelism and Ministry Training Course TEACHINGS - Weeks 6 to 11

Click "HERE" to download (PDF Version - 86 Pages)


Church of Hope 17 Week Evangelism and Ministry Training Course TEACHINGS - Weeks 12 to 17

Click "HERE" to download (PDF Version - 67 Pages)


Click "HERE" for the Study Guide PowerPoints for this course


CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION for Church of Hope 17 Week Evangelism and Ministry Training Course (WORD Version)

Click "HERE" to download certificate. (Date on Certificate can be changed to coincide with course completion date)