Evangelism Fire (Train the trainers) Workshop PowerPoints / Videos



For some creative ways in which to use the Evangelism Training PowerPoint teachings below to help empower other Christians to become soul winners please click "HERE"
At the bottom of this page there are YouTube video links for both 9 of the teachings below that were taught by Pastor Conrad at our One-Day Evangelism Fire (Train the trainers) workshop on the 17th of February, 2024 and 9 of the teachings below that he taught at the Zoom Evangelism Fire Workshop on the 6th of March, 2024.
Two important introductory things to consider in relation to the times that we are now living in. (Opening teaching for the March 6th, 2024 Zoom Workshop) - Click "HERE" to download the PowerPoint for this teaching
Introduction - UPDATED Version (Click "HERE" for PowerPoint Teaching)
1)   Praying for divine appointments  (Click "HERE" for PowerPoint Teaching)
2)   Understanding humanity  (Click "HERE" for PowerPoint Teaching)
3)   Jesus is the answer  (Click "HERE" for PowerPoint Teaching)
4)   The simple gospel message (The gospel of grace) - Click "HERE" for PowerPoint Teaching 
5)   The use of ice breakers to start conversations  (Click "HERE" for PowerPoint Teaching) 
6)   Some keys to effective one-on-one evangelism  (Click "HERE" for PowerPoint Teaching)   
7)   Twelve tips for effective street preaching  (Click "HERE" for PowerPoint Teaching) 
8)   Sharing our testimony  (Click "HERE" for PowerPoint Teaching)   
9)   Using gospel tracts to evangelize others  (Click "HERE" for PowerPoint Teaching)
10) Continually being motivated by a genuine love for the lost  (Click "HERE" for PowerPoint Teaching) 
11) Depending on the Holy Spirit  (Click "HERE" for PowerPoint Teaching) 
12) The importance of commitment in sharing our faith with others  (Click "HERE" for PowerPoint Teaching) 


NOTE: These PowerPoint teachings can also be used in conjunction with the manual for this Evangelism Fire (Train the trainers) Workshop when training up and equipping others in the area of evangelism. To download the manual for this one-day workshop please click "HERE"


To see all of our Evangelism and Zoom School PowerPoint teachings please click "HERE"







Videos from the 17th of February, 2024 Evangelism Fire (Train the trainers) Workshop:

Introduction and creative ways to use PowerPoints to train up Christians to become soul winners.

(To download the YouTube video for this teaching click "HERE")

1) Praying for divine appointments. (Click "HERE" to download the YouTube video for this teaching)


2) Understanding humanity. (Click "HERE" to download the YouTube video for this teaching)


3) Jesus is the answer. (Click "HERE" to download the YouTube video for this teaching)


4) The simple gospel message - The gospel of grace. (Click "HERE" to download this YouTube video teaching)


6) Some keys to effective one-on-one evangelism. (Click "HERE" to download this YouTube video teaching)


7) Twelve tips for effective street preaching. (Click "HERE" to download the YouTube video for this teaching)


11) Depending on the Holy Spirit. (Click "HERE" to download the YouTube video for this teaching), and


12) The importance of commitment in sharing our faith with others.

      (Click "HERE" to download the YouTube video for this teaching)



Videos from the March 6th Evangelism Fire (Train the trainers) ZOOM Workshop


Two important introductory things to consider in relation to the times that we are now living in.

(Click "HERE" to download the YouTube video for this teaching)


Seven creative ways to use the Evangelism Workshop PowerPoint teachings to train up Christians to become soul winners.

Click "HERE" to download the YouTube video for this teaching)


Introduction to Evangelism Fire (Train the Trainers) Workshop (Click "HERE" for PowerPoint Teaching)

1) Praying for divine appointments. (Click "HERE" to download the YouTube video for this teaching)
4) The simple gospel message - The gospel of grace. (Click "HERE" to download this YouTube video teaching)
6) Some keys to effective one-on-one evangelism. (Click "HERE" to download this YouTube video teaching)
7) Twelve tips for effective street preaching. (Click "HERE" to download the YouTube video for this teaching)
11) Depending on the Holy Spirit. (Click "HERE" to download the YouTube video for this teaching), and
12) The importance of commitment in sharing our faith with others. (Click "HERE" for PowerPoint Teaching)


To see all of our QUICK START evangelism training videos click "HERE"


To see other evangelism training videos from previous years click "HERE"


To see our 2023 Zoom School videos click "HERE"