Evangelism (Ministry) Training - Free Courses and Training Materials

Church of Hope has put together three ministry training courses to help equip pastors and Christians for the work of the ministry and to help all believers to grow in their Christian walk.

These three training courses are:


1) The Evangelism (Ministry) Training Course which is a 21 week course that can be modified to suit, which is designed to train up all Christians for the work of the ministry.

2) The Three or Five Day Pastors Workshops which are designed to equip and empower pastors to run workshops for other networks of pastors and to run the 21 week Evangelism (Ministry) Training Course in their own churches, and

3) The Three-Night Evangelism Training Workshops which are designed to empower all believers in local churches (and especially those who are called to the market place) to become more effective in soul winning and to help local churches to initiate evangelism outreaches in their community. These workshops are designed to strengthen and empower local churches in the area of evangelism

These three courses and workshops and the training manuals and resources required to run them are free and can be downloaded below. Details of how to run these three ministry training courses and workshops are outlined below.

For those wanting to use our materials to run a bible training school, click "HERE" for detailed instructions on how to establish a bible training school. To know more about our training courses and workshops, please email Pastor Conrad Fenton at churchofhope@hotmail.com or ring him on +61 413 483 858.

We pray that these training courses will be a great blessing for many and help many Christians to fulfil their God given potential in Christ.


1) Evangelism (Ministry) Training Course

Church of Hope offers a free evangelism (ministry) training course which can be downloaded below. This course is ideal for empowering all pastors and Christians for the work of the ministry. This course can be used in both a Bible College setting or for those who are in full time secular employment, as a daily devotional study.

This course can also be used by pastors to equip and empower the local church members to become more effective in soul winning and mentoring other believers. A key focus of this course is to empower all Christians to become more effective witnesses in their own communities and workplaces.

The Apostle Paul wrote, "And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ...from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love." (Ephesians 4:11-12 & 16)

This course has therefore been designed to both equip and empower individual Christians and to provide church leaders with study materials that can be used to run Bible Training Courses. When used as a daily devotion, each week's required readings can be covered over a period of 6 days.

To run this 21 week training course, simply download the following suggested course outline and the two ministry manuals which are used in conjunction with the course outline:

The above three downloads are all that are required to run this course. The complete (full) versions of the Leadership Manual and the Discipleship Teachings Manual can also be viewed and downloaded from our Downloads page. Individual teachings from the Ministry Training manual can also be downloaded from the Downloads page. Click "HERE" to go to Downloads page.




Using the Pastors Workshops Guidelines Manual (click "HERE" to download) and the Ministry Training Manual (click "HERE" to download) and Leadership and Discipleship Extracts Manual (click "HERE" to download), pastors can run three or five day conferences to train up and empower pastors to become more effective in ministry. Equipping and empowering pastors is a key to seeing cities coming to Christ.

These workshops have a two-fold purpose: 1) To train up pastors who will be able to run similar workshops to train up other pastors, and 2) To encourage all local church pastors to run a six month evangelism training course for their own church members to equip and empower them for the work of the ministry.
The Pastors Workshops Guidelines Manual gives an overview of 8 key areas to cover in each Workshop and a reference to the teachings which relate to each topic. This manual covers key areas of ministry such as the importance of having a clear vision for our lives and churches, building our lives on the Word of God and prayer and the importance of raising up mature disciples who are equipped and empowered for ministry.
This manual can be downloaded below.
Pastors running these workshops can systematically work through this Guidelines Manual covering each of the 8 key areas using the teachings contained in the Ministry Training Manual and Leadership and Discipleship Extracts Manual or the Pastors Workshop Teaching Notes manual (100 pages) which can also be downloaded below (which is ideal for low budget pastors workshops)
The Pastors Workshops Teaching Notes manual contains teachings which have been selected from the Ministry Training Manual and Leadership and Discipleship Extracts Manual as well as some new teachings. The Pastors Workshop Teaching Notes manual contains teachings which relate to the 8 key areas covered in the Pastors Workshop Guidelines Manual and is ideal to use in larger Pastors Workshops or low budget workshops. It is always preferable that all pastors who attend a Pastors Workshop are given a set of training manuals to take home.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Pastor Conrad Fenton here.

May God Bless all that you are doing for His Kingdom!








Please Click "HERE" to watch videos of the teachings for our last two Evangelism Intensive Schools. Our Evangelism Intensive Schools are run over 4 consecutive Tuesday nights

One day Evangelism Fire Workshops will also be conducted at the Church of Hope Centre in Blacktown throughout 2021. The address for the Church of Hope Centre is:

Suites 9-10/24 Main Street, Blacktown (Level Two Station Arcade)

The one-day Evangelism Fire Workshops are held on Saturdays

To get details of our next Evangelism Fire Workshops and Evangelism Intensive Schools please click "HERE"



Please call Pastor Conrad on 0413 483 858 should you wish to organize the running of a fire Evangelism Workshop at your own church to help equip and mobilize those in your fellowship in the area of evangelism.


ii) Three-night Evangelism Training Workshops to equip local churches

Church of Hope initially began in 1999 as an outreach ministry under the name of Church in the Streets Ministries. Since that time two churches have been established from our street outreaches. Each week Church of Hope sends out into the streets of Sydney and Melbourne outreach teams. Many people have come to know Christ during our street outreaches and have also become a part of our two churches.

Church of Hope has a real heart to help equip the wider Body of Christ in the area of Evangelism. To help encourage and equip local churches to become more active in evangelism, Pastor Conrad Fenton runs a three-night Evangelism Training Course to help encourage Christians in local churches to become more active in soul winning. This three night evangelism training workshop is designed to be used anywhere in the world, and is structured in such a way as to enable those who are in full time employment to be given the opportunity of being equipped out of work hours in the area of evangelism.

Every Christian has a mission field and God given plan for their life. (Ephesians 2:10) It is important that all believers are equipped to share their faith with others. "...he who wins souls is wise." (Proverbs 11:30) For most Christians their workplaces, their school friends and their social spheres are their mission field. The role of the five-fold ministry is to equip the Saints for the work of ministry. (Ephesians 4:11-12) This four night evangelism training workshop has a clear two-fold focus of:

1) Empowering Christians to be more effective in sharing their faith with those that they interact with in everyday life, and

2) Encouraging Christians to commence weekly evangelism outreaches out of work hours. These outreaches can take on many forms and include street outreaches, hospital visitations and stalls in markets to name a few.


If every person in a church was committed to doing every week just two hours of ministry somewhere out of work hours, in a church of 100 members, every week we would see 200 hours of ministry flowing out of that church.

Having ministry outreach teams in a church has many advantages. The two main advantages are, that they cause people to be committed to participating in an outreach ministry once a week, and secondly, by being in a team, quiet and shy people can be given support and have greater confidence by being part of a group of Christians reaching out with gospel.


Whilst the format for this training course can take on many forms, one suggested possible format is as follows:

Wednesday Night 6.30 pm to 9.00 pm

(Teaching Session to prepare people for evangelism)

Friday Night 7.00 pm to 9.30 pm

(Taking teams out into the streets to evangelise)*

Saturday Night 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm

(Outreach meeting in Church Hall or Community Hall)

* During the Friday Night street outreach invites are also given out for the Saturday Night meeting


Over a period of three nights momentum is gained in the area of evangelism and new people become connected to the church. Given the days that we live in it is so important that all Christians become soul winners. To download the teachings for our last Evangelism Training Course please click "HERE"

To assist churches in training up and equipping Christians in the area of evangelism and to help all believers to become soul winners, we have also put together a new teaching and Evangelism Fire Workshop Manual. These can be downloaded below:

Some keys to effectively preaching the gospel (Latest Teaching)  (PDF Version - 670 kb)

Some keys to communicating the gospel effectively  (PDF Version - 804 kb)

Evangelism Fire Workshop Manual  (Word Version - 378 kb)

Evangelism Fire Workshop Manual  (PDF Version - 1.26 mb)

Evangelism Fire Workshop Appendix 1 - Prayer Evangelism  (Word Version - 36 kb)

Should you wish to know more about these Evangelism Training Workshops, please do not hesitate to call Conrad Fenton on 0413 483 858 or you can email him on churchofhope@hotmail.com