
Church of Hope has a heart to see the communities in and around the Melbourne city area, Blacktown and now greater Sydney area being impacted by the love of God through street and community outreaches, where the good news of the gospel is communicated to the unsaved. Our church also has a strong missions focus on helping to equip and resource pastors in overseas countries such as Africa and India.



1) Bring the love of God into our communities,

2) To help bring Kingdom values into our communities,

3) To evangelise and win people to Christ, (and to equip other churches and Christians to do so)

4) To make disciples who will disciple others (to help develop loving Christian communities), and 

5) To be a training and equipping church that helps to equip the wider Body of Christ. (Missions Focus)


To fulfill the above we help believers at all levels to identify and develop their spiritual gifts, so that they can walk in victory and minister to others in the power of the Holy Spirit. Discipleship and establishing healthy bible based and Spirit filled church fellowships and home groups, is a key part of our vision for Church of Hope.

At a time when people are being bombarded with so many spiritual alternatives, we believe that active evangelism and discipleship by all local churches is the key to seeing Melbourne and Australia won to Jesus.

“How shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!” (Romans 10:14)

As a church we have a desire to reach out to and to disciple the homeless and disadvantaged in the City of Melbourne and in Blacktown and other areas of Sydney through healthy Christian fellowship meetings and small groups. To this end we pray for the presence of God in all of our meetings and outreaches, to ensure an atmosphere of love and acceptance. We also provide free meals in our meetings in Melbourne and Blacktown as a practical expression of God's love.

Church of Hope also has a heart to equip and resource the third world pastors in countries such as India and Africa to help them to see their communities and villages won to Christ.

“He who wins souls is wise” (Proverbs 11:30)