Divergent Church - Port Macquarie

Charles Sturt University

Main campus, 7 Major Innes Road, Port Macquarie

Phone: 0477 453 689

Website: www.divergentchurch.com 

Email: info@divergentchurch.com

Sunday Meeting: 10.00 am


The Hope Community

5/40 Acacia Avenue, Port Macquarie

Phone: 0431 588 322

Website: www.thehopecommunity.com

Email: evan.o@thehopecommunity.com

Sunday Meeting: 9.30 am


C3 Church Port Macquarie

8-12 Acacia Avenue, Port Macquarie

Phone: 0436 335 911

Website: www.c3pmq.com

Email: info@c3pmq.com

Sunday Meeting: 10.00 am


Port Macquarie Presbyterian Church

93 William Street, Port Macquarie

Phone: (02) 6583 1071

Website: www.pmpc.org

Sunday Meetings: 10.00 am and 5.00 pm


Port Macquarie Baptist Church

18 McIntyre Close, Port Macquarie

Phone: (02) 6582 2844

Website: www.pmbc.org.au

Email: portmacbcpastor@gmail.com

Sunday Meeting: 10.00 am